Welcome to the Western Region!

The Western Region is an association of NSS grottos in California, Nevada, and Oregon. We promote cave conservation, the scientific study of caves, exploration, and speleo education.

Western Regional

The Region’s grottos host an annual meeting in the fall. Over a hundred cavers gather from the region and beyond to explore local caves, swap skills and stories, and conduct regional grotto business.


The region publishes the Western Caver to communicate information about regional activities, exploration, and research. Western Region members in good standing can receive digital copies of this publication for just $10/year.

Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about caving, and live in the Western Region, feel free to contact your local grotto or contact one of our officers.

If you are not in the Western Region, contact our parent organization, the National Speleological Society to find out more about caving.

Please remember to cave safely and carefully!