The Western Caver

About the Western Caver

The Western Caver (formerly known as the California Caver, or colloquially, the Cal Caver) is the publication of the Western Region of the National Speleological Society. Consequently, material submitted for inclusion in the Western Caver should have regional appeal and not just be of interest to one grotto. The subscription rate for the Western Caver is $10 per year. All subscriptions and address changes should be sent to the Western Region Secretary. Checks should be made out to the Western Region of the NSS. Or, simply print out and mail this application.


The Western Caver is published quarterly, in February, May, August, and November. Submission deadline is by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

Material Content

Articles submitted to the Western Caver which emphasis activities or projects in the Western Region will be given priority for inclusion in the next edition. Typical projects include: survey and cartography work, restoration efforts, cave inventory studies, hydrologic modeling and dye traces, karst geology and sedimentology, photographic monitoring, conservation and gating work, speleoeducation and training seminars, and new cave discoveries in the region. In general, submissions to the Western Caver should be original material which has not previously been published. However, articles with a historical nature from the library archives or other sources, material which was originally published with a limited distribution, or items which have been revised or substantially reworked will be considered for inclusion. Trip reports are not generally desirable for publication in the Western Caver.

Submission of Material

All material intended for publication, including new articles, maps, photos, and interactive media should be sent to the Western Region Editor. Digital illustrative files and photographic content can be transmitted in a variety of formats, but the editor(s) would prefer the richest quality original and unaltered format. Please check with the editor(s) to see what’s preferable.

Editorial Corrections

The editor(s) reserve the right to make spelling, grammatical, and formatting changes to articles submitted for publication. Please adhere to the standard rules of English grammar when submitting material intended for publication. Please do not use slang, abbreviations, or contractions in articles; spell out the word or words in question. Technical jargon which is not specifically related to caving should be explained in the article or a list of terms should be included with the article intended for submission.

Opinions expressed within are not necessarily those of the editors, the Western Caver, the Western Region, or the National Speleological Society. Except for items specifically copyrighted, any material may be reported by other internal organizations of the NSS without prior permission, provided proper credit is given to the Western Caver and the author of the article.