
Western Region
of the National Speleological Society

The Western Region is an association of NSS grottos in California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. It promotes cave conservation, the scientific study of caves, exploration, and speleo-education. The Region’s grottos host the annual business meeting in the fall. The region publishes the Western Caver to communicate information about regional activities, exploration, and research. The Western Region is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, so dues and donations are tax deductible.

Annual Meeting and other events

Each year, one of the Region’s grottos hosts an annual business meeting in the fall. Cavers from the region join together to discuss region business, plan activities, share issues of concern to the caving community, and discuss caves and cave related topics. In addition to the business meeting, the Western region periodically hosts speleo-educational and cave rescue seminars.

Western Region Electronic Mailing List

The Western Region has an email list to enhances communication between the Region’s cavers.

Western Region Grant Fund

The Western Region provides grants for scientific research and cave conservation.

National Speleological Society

The Western Region is an internal organization of the National Speleological Society. For information about the National Speleological Society, contact:

National Speleological Society
6001 Pulaski Pike NW
Huntsville, Alabama 35810
(256) 852-1300

Cave safely and remember the NSS motto:

“Take nothing but pictures
Leave nothing but footprints
Kill nothing but time”

To join the Western Region

Submit a completed application with a check for $10 made payable to the Western Region of the National Speleological Society to:

Western Region Secretary/Treasurer
Gail McCoy
11910 Brookridge Dr. Saratoga, CA 95070

Individuals who join the Western Region can participate in region activities, receive the Western Caver, but do not have voting privileges. Voting is reserved for the Region’s grottos.

The Western Region of the NSS is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Region Officers

Elizabeth “Boof” Truchan, Chair

Eric Jorgenson, Vice-Chair

Gail McCoy, Secretary-Treasurer

Scott Nicolay, Editor, Western Caver

Greg Hutchings, Grants Chair

Patrick Walker, SEKI Liason

Drew Stasak, Training Committee Chair

For more information about the Western Region, feel free to contact any of the Region’s officers.